Vol. 8 No. 2
Current Issue Published: 2024-12-26 Reviews CRISPR-Cas based precision genome...
Envisaged as an open access international journal issued twice a year in print and electronic (online) format, publishing peer-reviewed articles of novel and significant discoveries in the fields of basic and applied genetics. Special issues or supplements may also be produced from time to time upon agreement with the Editorial Board.
Online First publishing (OLF) in the academic community enables a quicker and more effective way to reduce the time previously taken for publishing critical discoveries (often by several months). OLF involves releasing an article’s electronic version before the print version.
An article is prepared for OLF once the proof has been revised, approved and can be published online. As a result, users can access peer-reviewed articles long before they are printed. These publications can be cited using their specific DOI and are searchable on the journal’s webpage. Although the formatting is dependent on the journal’s reference style, in theory, you can use the DOI in place of the volume and page numbers, like in the following example:
TONG, Huaiyu et al. (2022) Implication of a de novo Variant in ciliary rootlet coiled- coil (CROCC) with assimilation of atlas (AOA). Genetics & Applications, doi.org/10.31383/ga.vol6iss1pp11-26.
There is no fee for article submission (ASC), article processing (APC) or publication.
Authors are encouraged to submit complete, unpublished, original works that are not under review in any other journals. Acceptable papers are those that gather and disseminate fundamental knowledge in all areas of genetics.
Authors are encouraged to submit complete, unpublished, original works that are not under review in any other journals. Acceptable papers are those that gather and disseminate fundamental knowledge in all areas of genetics.
Current Issue Published: 2024-12-26 Reviews CRISPR-Cas based precision genome...
Current Issue Published: 2024-06-02 Book of Abstracts - 2nd European...
Book of Abstracts - 2nd B&H Symposium of...
Genetics & Applications (G&A) is the official journal of the University of Sarajevo – Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (www.ingeb.unsa.ba)
Genetics & Applications
The Official Publication of the University of Sarajevo – Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology ISSN: 2566-2937 |eISSN: 2566-431X | www.genapp.ba |E-mail: info@genapp.ba ; contact.genapp@gmail.com|